Cathie Shipwright (left) chaired her first in August as new President, and paid tribute to former President Jackie Southon who has now assumed the role of Treasurer. Jackie is pictured above with her assistant Albie!
The meeting discussed a calendar of varied activities for the year ahead including restoration of a water feature in Victoria Gardens, crocus planting to mark World Polio Day and a display to highlight International Day of Peace.
At our meeting in August w heard a moving and inspiring presentation from Stephen Lay, who has raised £102K in memory of his late wife Carol, for the Siblings Support FundChildren's Hospice South West. This money has funded six community support workers, and helped 450 siblings and 400 bereaved siblings.
Carol Lay is pictured above on the cover of the book she wrote : Smile and Enjoy the Adventure - which is available for purchase in support of the Siblings Support Fund from Stephen Lay - email: [email protected] Further information is available at |